Flooring Wood Rot Repair In Mobile Homes

If you own a mobile home or you are flipping a mobile home renovation for profit, you may already know the flooring can be an issue. Flooring is one of the areas of a mobile home that sees the most traffic and the most potential for wood rot damage. If you are upgrading your mobile home flooring you may notice issues as soon as you take the carpet or vinyl flooring up. Here are some of the issues you may notice and what type of wood rot repair they will need. 

Soft Subfloor

One of the issues you can have with wood rot and your mobile home flooring is felt more than seen. This issue deals with soft subflooring. As you walk over the floor you may notice areas that are not as firm as the rest of the floor. This can be a sign of wood rot. The wood rot may come from humidity and damp flooring insulation. You may also have dampness rising from underneath the mobile home and causing standing water or dampness that reaches the floor. In this case, the area that is damaged will be cut out. The source causing the soft subfloor will be found and treated. The area of wood rot will then be replaced. 

Dark Markings

You may notice dark circles or marking on the subfloor. If you touch the area, it may be dry. This is a possible sign of potential wood rot and water damage. As water soaks the area and dries, it will leave an outer circle or ring. The area will darken over time, especially if there are multiple encounters with water damage. These dark markings can be not only a sign of wood rot, but also a sign of mold or mildew. Your contractor will remove the flooring and possibly test for mold. If mold is found, mold and water damage remediation services may be offered before the flooring is replaced. 

Foul Odor

One of the issues that leads mobile home owners to remove carpeting or flooring is due to foul odor. The foul odor may be in certain areas of the flooring or even in entire rooms. The foul odor may smell musty or old. You may notice the smell causing headaches, breathing issues, coughing, and sneezing. These are signs of mold and mildew build up from wood rot. Your contractor will use special equipment to help contain and remove the mold or mildew along with the wood rot consumed areas while keeping it from spreading. They will then begin the repair process.

If you are ready to get started on your flooring renovations, contact your mobile home contractor. They can assess the wood rot damage, determine if it is only affecting the floors, and determine what is the best strategy for removing the rotted wood and replacing it. They can also discuss pricing and other options for you to help reduce potential future wood rot damage and manage your wood rot repair needs.

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Tips to Help You Find the Right General Contractor

In a few short months, my loving spouse and I will begin the construction process on our dream home. Recently, I talked with a general contractor about the upcoming project. This professional informed me how much the project should cost, how extensive the work would be, and what to expect during the construction process. Are you planning to build a house in the near future? Before interviewing potential general contractors, compile a list of questions to ask each one. For instance, you’ll want to know how soon a general contractor can begin working on your home, how many houses he or she has built, where previously built homes are located, and how much he or she thinks the project will cost. On this blog, I hope you will discover smart tips to help you find the perfect general contractor for your project. Enjoy!

